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Internet Friendly Media Encoder: Powerful H.265/HEVC Encoder

H.265/HEVC is crucial in today’s video encoding landscape because it provides efficient compression, supports higher resolutions and frame rates. It even enhances the video quality, and is widely adopted across various platforms and devices.

H.265/HEVC offers about double the data compression ratio compared to its predecessor H.264/AVC at the same level of video quality. With improved compression, H.265/HEVC reduces the amount of bandwidth needed to stream videos.

This is the main reason H.265/HEVC is used for the encoding of streaming video content these days. Apart from the data compression and better quality, it also supports higher resolution formats such as 4K (Ultra HD) and even 8K resolutions. This is a crucial factor when delivering on-demand video content on platforms like Netflix.

If you also want to encode your videos using H.265/HEVC then you can try Internet Friendly Media Encoder. It makes use of another open-source media encoder tool called FFmpeg in the background. Because of the FFmpeg backend, it can handle all kinds of video formats.

Using Internet Friendly Media Encoder is very easy. You can begin by adding your video files which need to be encoded using the latest H.265/HEVC video codec. After this you can make changes to the settings for video streams, audio streams, subtitles, and the format to be used. As you click on the small “play” button, it starts to encode the videos and save them in the specified output folder.

Internet Friendly Media Encoder is a great tool to have for all the vloggers who upload their video content on various platforms. Even though the video platforms also convert the videos using their own tools automatically, you can preserve the quality of the original video without having to upload very large video files. Internet Friendly Media Encoder can also preserve the subtitles with the user selected font sizes.

You can download Internet Friendly Media Encoder from

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